So this P2 of the Loose Threads exhibit is oh so late!!
Do you remember this post???
As I was saying this was a great exhibit
I shall just jump straight back in where I left off!
The write up below is written by the quilters
A bunch of flowers by Janice Maxwell
Spring time in Mount Stewart Gardens depicted in patchwork & applique accentuating the flower colours.
"I liked this one as the colours were nearly neon!!"
Fiery red by Sheila Ferguson
There is always a explosion of colour during the summer and autumn months in the garden. I hope my reds do it justice. This piece was hand appliqued and machine quilted.
"I hope one day to be able to applique so well"
It would appear that in my excitement i missed the plaque underneath so nothing from the quilter here, but i have to say the trees are so nice.
Sole music by Margaret Mehaffey
Drumlins by Molly Taylor
The Drumlins of County Down were the inspiration for this wall hanging. The blues and greens reflect the colours seen around Mount Stewart Gardens. It has been appliqued and heavily machine quilted in bright threads and embellished.
" I really liked the bright threads in this one"
Well thats part 2 over I hope you have the time to have a wee peek at the links there's a couple of good ones there.... Part 3 will come quicker I promise!!! I think I will keep the best till last, and do a 4th post of my 2 fave quilts they really are great.
Do you remember this post???
As I was saying this was a great exhibit
I shall just jump straight back in where I left off!
The write up below is written by the quilters
Spring time in Mount Stewart Gardens depicted in patchwork & applique accentuating the flower colours.
"I liked this one as the colours were nearly neon!!"
There is always a explosion of colour during the summer and autumn months in the garden. I hope my reds do it justice. This piece was hand appliqued and machine quilted.
"I hope one day to be able to applique so well"
I have always admired the parquetry of the music room in Mount Stewart. A photograph of the floor in "buildings of North County Down" By CBE Brett inspired me to try & turn the design in to a quilt using cut back and applied applique using a sewing machine.
"Personally I was sold straight away.... you guessed it, it's purple!"The Drumlins of County Down were the inspiration for this wall hanging. The blues and greens reflect the colours seen around Mount Stewart Gardens. It has been appliqued and heavily machine quilted in bright threads and embellished.
" I really liked the bright threads in this one"
Well thats part 2 over I hope you have the time to have a wee peek at the links there's a couple of good ones there.... Part 3 will come quicker I promise!!! I think I will keep the best till last, and do a 4th post of my 2 fave quilts they really are great.
cool quilts!