so it was the last day of term at the boy's wee creche they only go one day a week but i love them 2 hours, it's amazing what can be done in 2 hours now than before i had kid's ..... i mean what the f??? did i do with my time!!!!!!!!
i say to you
it bloody well is with my 2 wee mite's!!!! LOL they love a good old wrestle in the morning weather that be over taking the nappy off, putting it on, putting on clothes or their jacket's. that being said when i mention the name "jimmy" he's the bus driver all wrestling ceases amazing!!!!
so baking done, Nappie's on, clothes on & jacket's too...
Finn run's out the door full of excitement "jimmy" is here
and guess what Finn stick's his lovely little foot in my newly baked banana cake i have to say .....
i was the funniest fecking thing in the world.... i am still having a chuckle to my self now!!!!
i still gave it to the creche staff and let them know that there was a muslin square was there so no actual contamination.... to be honest dear lovely reader's even if there was they were getting it anyways i had been up since 6.10am baking all their treat's!!!!!
hope this brings a wee chuckle to your lovely selves
have a fab day
Last week was the last of preschool for my daughter. For four days a week, she would be gone for two hours... We now have two months of vacation until it will start up again! I do miss those two hours too! I was at a lost this week of when to go to the supermarket.
ReplyDeleteAwww ~ your kiddies are GORGEOUS!!