10 October 2010

Day 10---Finn & me with Thomas & friends live

So today has been less snotty of which i am very thankful...

And full of massive smiles from my wee boy Finn,
today we went to see Thomas & friends live in the millennium forum
I really do enjoy seeing my wee boy smiling so, he was super excited

They has a intermission during the show....
So Finn was able to get some more laughing fuel...
And i couldn't resist the drivers hat (and much better than the £9 for a spinning light!!!)

After he spotted a tractor ride on the way to get his brother... how could i say no to a smile like that!!!!

What did you guys get up to this Sunday???



  1. omg, my son woulda looooved that!!

  2. Traci, he looks so much like you in the photo!
    I have well seen that look before!
    You must be the coolest mum in the world tonight

  3. Wow - my eldest would have loved that about 12 years ago!! He was a massive Thomas fan - if it didn't have Thomas on it he wasn't interested! Thomas taught him to count, his colours and gaved him a real interest in reading :)

    Finn looks like he was having fun - love the hat :)


Hello there, Thanx for stopping by my wee blog. I read all your lovely comments they make me smile! I do reply so check back here later. If you have any questions feel free to email me I shall get back to you. Thanx again & have a fab day :) xx